Friday, September 10, 2010

Audrey | 9 months

Remember Audrey? I can't believe it was already time for her 9 month photos. She is growing so fast and is still a very happy little girl! Her session was at the butterfly garden at Saylorville Lake. The garden was still in full bloom and made for some beautiful photos. The only bad part of this location was there were more mosquitoes than butterflies...UGH! Here is a preview of the session.






Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Sarah and Cody were married in June at Three Mile Lake. The rain held off and the sun came out just in time for the ceremony. It was a beautiful event! Here is a small preview of their wedding day!






Monday, September 6, 2010

Sharr Family

A couple of weeks ago I took photos of the Sharr Family. They were having a weekend family get together, which was the perfect opportunity for a family photo session! All of the kiddos brought lots of energy to the shoot, and we quickly learned that fruit snacks were the biggest motivator in getting them to focus and smile big! Here are some of the favorites from the session...






Monday, August 30, 2010

Trista+Luke | Engaged!

A few weeks ago I took engagement photos of Trista and Luke. We also took some photos of their daughter Madisyn. We ventured around the Lake of Three Fires Park looking for some different locations and got some great shots. I love sessions at sunset! Here is a preview of the session...


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