About Me

My name is Amanda Utz. I first got interested in photography while planning my wedding five years ago. I researched photographers and fell in love with the photojournalistic style wedding photos. The photographer I chose for our wedding was Kelley Walker Chance from Kelley Photo & Design. I remember her showing me her sample wedding album, and before I was through it I had tears! I didn’t even know the people in that album, but I felt like I was reading a story through those photographs that captured all the emotion of their special day. I love our wedding photos and I feel they are so much more beautiful than if we would have had every moment posed for us.

I always kidded my husband that I would not let anyone take our photos from then on except Kelley, but convincing my husband to fork over the money to have her take our photos all the time was impossible! Instead I tried convincing my husband that we NEEDED to invest in my own nice camera, and I would learn how to do the photographing. My husband complained that it was just a WANT. He was afraid that once I got the camera it would be used for awhile, and then it would become old news and sit on the shelf never to be used again. Luckily my husband knows that a happy wife is a happy life and we made the big investment.

I’m not going to lie, the camera did get used for awhile, then sat on the shelf. But once our daughter was born it has been in my hands ever since. She changes every day and I want to capture every moment. I soon realized I love trying to capture these moments of hers and others. After sharing my photos I have had several people come to me wanting me to take their photos, so I have decided to see where this will take me!

Besides photography, I enjoy my full time job as a stay at home mom to my beautiful daughter Isabelle. I love spending time with her, my husband Patrick, and our two wiener dogs Scooter and Lucy. We enjoy traveling, sports, church activities, family, and hanging out with our friends.


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