Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Spurrier Family

A couple of weeks ago I took photos of the Spurrier Family. Tracy Spurrier is the photographer of Spurrier Photography (check her out at www.myspurrierphotography.com). The whole Spurrier Family was in town and Tracy decided she would like to relax with her family and not have to worry about trying to photograph everyone for the family portraits this year. I was happy to help! At the beginning of the shoot a dog showed up named Ace. We had to shoo him out of some photos, but we soon realized he was the key to a great family photo. With a large family and lots of children, we ended up using Ace to get everyone to look at the camera. I don't really know what my husband was doing to the dog behind me, but it produced the best smiles of the day! We may have to start bringing our dogs to our sessions! Here are a few of my faves from the shoot!



Here is a sample of a photo without Ace:


Here is a sample of a photo with Ace, notice the change in smiles!:


And of course, I had to include a photo of the dog Ace:


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